Bang! “We are running though bomb and stuff like that”someone yelled come here there’s a gap”. “So we ran straight for the gap” boom a bomb hit the gap “know it is much smaller”. “Our pet will not get though with those spotty hair on it”. “If it was a bit smaller it will get though the gap”. “Over there I can see a sword I pick it up and chop its hair off to big still”. Boom “they just shot a bomb oh no here it comes what do we do nothing”. boom! As we fall to the ground.
There was a boy called will
who climbed up a hill up on the hill he saw one more hill
Oh no a crow
as it flow it was a pro
as it showed
Dan was with the stolen dog on the beach, teaching it how to fetch. Lieutenant said to not let the dog off the rope. Dan said that he was teaching it to fetch. Just then, Lieutenant added that he would tie me up to a tree if I didn’t. Dan went back to a tent and took a needle with cloth, a dice and a badge. He went to the cook and said he needed a dropping in my shoe. That was a lie so that he could get some food for Waruwi. Then Dan went through the bag of food. It went through the camp and came out the other side. Then Lieutenant yelled and some soldiers stood up. Lieutenant said to Dan to drum. Then they walk out of the camp.
Dan#1 1788
Dan came walking back and the boss said “ was that a dog following you”. Dan replied “yes boss”
Then the boss yelled “come on boys get on your feet we are going to get a dog” Dan tries to stop them and says “ maybe it belongs to some one” and the other guy says” who would it belong to”?
Dan says “one of the natives”. The other guy said “stop!” “What did you hear” said Dan. “A grow go that way” said the guy Dan saw a tree and said Warawee. Warawee jumps down and starts laughing and Dan said “no no you need to hide”. The other guys said got the dog Dan”. Dan said yes and ties a rope around the dog and takes it back. When Dan gets back he ties the dog to a pole and saids to the dog “do not try to get away those guns are full”. Dan walks out “ow!” said Dan it was a rock warawee was throwing rocks at them they thought they where under attack and they got there guns.
Mung lost his mum from a animal in the forest Barangaroo walked away with Burani they Talked and then said we should do something good for mung I will go fishing said Burani but Barangaroo said no I am better no your not said Burani because I told you where all the fish are so Barangaroo said okay lets. Have a dance off Barangaroo goes first and he starts to act out animals and mung and two others start to say animals and they guest right. Then Burani goes and acts out animals but mung and the to others say what is that then Burani stop then keeps gong then stopped and said who votes for me.
100 word challenge
Boom “what was that someone in the darkness said”he hopped into a car and drove it to a hole in the ground he jumped into it but he landed on something soft. He took off his jumper and it was a boy he looked sixteen then he went in a hole that went out of the other hole he went to get some sticks for a fire. He saw a lot of cars lined up but they where in water coming at him and a man he jumped and saved the man but he died.
100WC T3W4
Boom! “What was that?” someone in the darkness said. He hopped into a car and drove it to a hole in the ground. He jumped into it but he landed on something soft. He took off his jumper and it was a boy. He looked sixteen. Then he went in a hole that went out of the other hole he went to get some sticks for a fire. He saw a lot of cars lined up but they where in water coming at him and a man he jumped and saved the man but he died.

The link to our class blog is here.